We’re here to help. Have a question that isn’t answered here? Give us a call on 0414 588 586 or email us at info@wildthingsvbs.com.au.

Why is seeing Wild Things different to seeing a trainer?

While training is an important part of teaching your dog important life skills, behavioural problems are not the same as training problems.  Your pet may be using behaviours to demonstrate not a lack of training, but fear, anxiety, or other mental health issues.  A behaviour veterinarian can identify the reasons behind the behaviour which is causing you concern, and then determine how they might be treated. Some of that treatment may involve specific training.

How long before I see improvement in my pet’s behaviour?

After your first veterinary behaviour consultation and your behaviour training session, you will have a clear, practical management plan. We will provide you with short-term strategies to manage your dog while we work toward your long-term goal.

Will my pet need medication?

Some behaviour problems are caused by mental health diseases and medications may be appropriate. Anti-anxiety medications may be prescribed as part of a treatment plan that will also include changing your pet’s emotional and behavioural response to triggers.

A careful and qualified diagnosis must first be made before considering medications and other health conditions must be taken into consideration. As veterinarians we are qualified to make a diagnosis and prescribe medications if indicated.

Can you guarantee my pet will be cured?

At Wild Things VBS, we cannot guarantee a cure but rather, we guarantee that we will do our best to help you understand the causes of the problem and options for modifying your pet’s behaviour. We will offer our expertise to support you and your pet through lifelong management. Behaviour problems are often multifactorial, with genetics, early life experiences and current living environments contributing, in addition to many medical conditions. These sometimes combine to create a complex problem that requires time, commitment and professional advice to manage and improve.  For these reasons, we cannot guarantee that your pet will be ‘cured’.

Does Wild Things only see dogs and cats?

As Veterinarians and behaviour trainers, our expertise is across many species. We offer consultations for birds, rabbits and rats, horses and other large animals on application.

Wild Things VBS also conduct educational training seminars for corporations, university students and the general public.

Do I need to go to the vet first?

Whilst a vet referral is not required, it is recommended that your pet has had a recent physical examination from your vet as some health problems manifest in behavioural change. It is also a good time to check that your pet is up to date with their preventative health medications (vaccinations, medication for fleas and worms) and in some cases blood testing and urine testing may be indicated.

How much will it cost?

Please contact us at info@wildthingsvbs.com.au to discuss our fees and services.

Do I have to pay it all at once?

Payment in full is required at the time of consultation.

Where will I see you?

Consultations will be seen at our behaviour practice located at 252 Lower Plenty Road, Rosanna.

We are now also offering virtual consultations by video conference on Zoom.

Who should come to the consultation?

We generally recommend that your pet and their primary caregivers should be present at the consultation. If you have children who are involved in your pet’s training and care, it may also be helpful for them to attend.
After your consultation, you will receive home care notes which you can share with your family in order to make sure that everyone understands the treatment plan.

Do you offer group training classes?

We offer individual behaviour training sessions.  If you are a client of Wild Things VBS and are looking for group training services, please contact us directly and we will refer you to a suitable service in your area.

To make an appointment, call 0414 588 586 or email us at info@wildthingsvbs.com.au.